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Viscountess Weymouth

The daughter of a Nigerian oil baron says she faces racism and snobbery from the upper classes unwilling to accept her. ‘There has been some snobbishness, particularly among the much older generation,’ she told society magazine Tatler.

There’s class and then there’s the racial thing. It’s a jungle and I’m going through it and discovering things as I grow up. I’m not super-easily offended but it’s a problem when someone’s making you feel different or separate because of your race. I have never had anything horrible said or happen, but it is something you sense. You can just tell with some people.


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1 Comment

  1. Dear Emma, I would be very grateful if you would get in touch with me on my email.

    Dear Emma,
    I am an artist who had a long association and friendship with Alexander, from early in the 1980s through to early/mid 2000s.

    The previous Lord Bath as Viscount Weymouth commissioned and bought 2 of my large paintings ‘Family in Wessex’, ‘The Nuclear Family’, and I donated ‘Life of the Poet’ for his Life in Wessex Collection. He also commissioned monumental sculptures, ‘Moon-bathing’ in the Pleasure Walk and ‘Maypole’ in the Safari Park to mark the centre of the proposed Thynne Henge which did not come to fruition.

    Ceawlin also commissioned small stone sculptures (one in the Pleasure Walk and one behind Longleat house) in memory of his friend who died in India.

    My friend the artist Farhad Riahi who lives in Horningsham is organising an exhibition in Horningsham Village Hall in June 2021.

    His proposal is this:

    “I would like to raise the profile of this exhibition by inviting rich and famous in order to promote local art , artists and their Creations, I would like to take the opportunity to discuss possibilities of having a permanent art and crafts exhibition/ shop space in The village/ longleat . I intend to dedicate % of the income to children in needs . I can discuss implementation of this project in details; at this stage I would like to have help from the Longleat Estate to raise the profile by participating.

    warm wishes,

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