Laura Bazile From France

As an event planner or as a business owner, you can easily imagine using your communications skills, social media and network to create an event and … cut the costs?

Creating your event with 0 euro
There is now an amazing bunch of applications allowing you to create events, with no restriction about schemes and topics. The most important part will be picking up the accurate tool, which means efficient, time-saver, easy-to-go with, including tailored assets such as statistics about attendees or mapping the way up to your event.

Spreading the word about your event spending 0 euro
Whilst the social media aspect is obvious (sharing options, posting online …), you will have to choose specific “places” to be online. Not all of them (well, at a certain level, yes), but obviously the bespoke ones. The right balance will go with topic, industry the event is related to and its “social media” maturity. Plus, if you miss the right places, you will need time to redefine strategy so as to redeploy efforts.

Inviting valuable speakers to your event for ….
…not a penny?! putting it on a professional line, it means bringing value to your event AND offering an audience to these speakers. It is a winning partnership, thus place, time, topic will be as essential as the global preparation scheme you will build around your event. Needless to add it could lead to potential partnerships with companies (eg. for AV support or a quick catering service….) which may gain promotion depending on the type of event and/or your own requirements.

Offering your attendees a VALUABLE event remains the goal. This will be evaluated from:
 content of conferences
 quality of attendees (potential business partners, experts …)
 ability of networking if time slot is appropriate (not applicable if your event is planned from 12.00 to 14.00, for instance)
 materials (real) attendees will get after the event (can be emailed)
Above all, key is creating the feeling that time attendees and speakers spend AT YOUR EVENT is priceless.

Are you about to plan a meeting/event upon a specific topic with a restricted budget and still looking for the right recipe? Tell me about your experience!


Laura Bazile is an events professional, loves travelling, meeting & helping people, and is passionate about social media, live & virtual arts, and design.

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  1. […] As an event planner or as a business owner, you can easily imagine using your communications skills, social media and network to create an event and … cut the costs? What if your event costs you 0 euro ? […]

  2. […] social media and network to create an event and … cut the costs? What if, top of that, your event costs you 0 euro ? Like this:LikeOne blogger likes […]

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