My fiancé and I decided we were up for a new challenge and said yes to the opportunity to move to Switzerland. We ended up in Zurich; he as an expatriate, I as a trailing spouse. Determined to make it work for the both of us, I was keen to secure an interesting role as well. Easier said than done. In order to be successful, I knew I had to make a plan and set some goals. Due to a different political system and a language barrier (I didn’t speak any German at all), I was not able to find a job that fit my skills and goals.

Like most people in such a situation, I needed to alter an aspect of my life. Realizing there is a big difference between wanting, knowing and doing. I had to think of an old Texan saying: “most people want to go to heaven, but few of them are willing to die”, meaning; I had to step out of my comfort zone in order to create change. I did.

I learned German, built a social network and found a job that complimented my strengths; evoking positive change for individuals.

I ended up working for two international companies in Zurich. Currently I am in the privileged position to help others to fulfil their dreams.

If you are also ready to step up to fulfil your dreams, contact me and I can help you take on new opportunities as your coach!

My specialization in Life Coaching:

Expatriate/ Relocation related subjects
Work/Life balance
Choice related stress

Visit Ludmilla’s website.

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