These sisters are taking care of business in The Netherlands. They are building communities, serving our community, restoring calm to busy exeuctives and travelers, and using their artistic talent to express our community. Take a look:

The Afro European Sisters Network (AESN) is a site that focuses on networking black women in and outside of Europe. As women tell their stories it allows others to learn lessons from their lives. Sharing this knowledge will also empower women with the ability to become one.

Look at Sandra’s website here.

Coloured Goodies is een multicultureel relatiegeschenken webwinkel opgezet in Juli 2006.

Coloured Goodies betekent letterlijk vertaald Gekleurde Cadeautjes. De reden dat deze naam van toepassing is op de webwinkel, is omdat alle producten die Coloured Goodies biedt, het doel hebben mensen van een andere cultuur en van een ander ras zich ge??dentificeerd te laten voelen bij het kopen van een persoons gerichte give away (cadeautje).

Coloured Goodies heeft een assortiment van wenskaarten, schilderijen, baby/trouw/doop showerartikelen, etc, etc. Dit alles met een culturele insteek.

Of je nu Surinaams, Antilliaans, Marokkaans of Turks bent, Coloured Goodies kan je advies geven en je zelf laten zoeken naar het juiste cadeautje of wenskaart voor jouw geliefde. Ook maken wij ontwerpen geheel naar uw wens.

Coloured Goodies is vernieuwend door haar multiculturele aanpak en vernieuwend assortiment. Visit Coloured Goodies here.

EMANCIPATION is an exclusive lingerie line designed for the fuller black woman.

Conceived as a backlash to the trend of increasing emphasis on physical appearance, we at EMANCIPATION realized that the masses still do not have the right concept of beauty. Beauty lies within and as the saying goes, ???is in the eye of the beholder.???

Visit Emancipation here.

Keep Track Concierge is a European Lifestyle Management Company that was started in the North West of The Netherlands by Nicole Delamore. My career started in Investment Banking, but over the years moved towards International Communications. As a business professional I am well aware of the challenges a normal day can carry and the stress that goes with it. Visit Keep Track Concierge here.

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