black UK

The Dods & Scottish Widows Women in Public Life Awards (UK)

The Dods & Scottish Widows Women in Public Life Awards celebrate women leaders in society and seek to recognise and promote the work of women in politics, business, the civil service and community leadership.

The Awards which are now in their third year, aim to highlight the achievements of outstanding women role models amongst us.

The Awards Ceremony will be held on the evening of Wednesday 4th March 2009.

Shortlisted for – International Public Servant of the Year


Neena Gill MEP-Neena was the first Black Asian female MEP 10 years ago and has contributed greatly not only to the greater good of Europe but has been an excellent ambassador internationally particularly in South East Asia where she has led many delegations. Before this Neena was one of the first black women chief executives in the housing association sector and once again contributed to many policies and issues, in one of her chief executive roles she led a BME housing association for a number of years and brought the issues facing Asian elders and Asian women to the forefront. Throughout Neena’s working career she has always contributed 150% to all that she has undertaken, I am amazed that she has sustained this over such a long period. She deserves to be recognised as a woman that has achieved a great deal and who has contributed a great deal to society as a whole.

Shortlisted for – Entrepreneur of the Year

Samata Angel, Samata’s Muse – I would like to nominate clothing designer, author and public speaker Samata Angel for her work with Samata’s Muse and other activities. Her clothing label creates stunning, unique pieces of clothing for women and since its launch in 2005 has already been recognised for its work by awards and nominations such as the UK Urban Fashion Award “Best Couture Line 2006”, Aristoc Ultra Woman of 2007 and British Female Inventor and Innovator ‘Exceptionally Creative’ Award. In 2008, following participation in the Nolcha New York Fashion Week Angel received a letter of recommendation from Prime Minister Gordon Brown to become an ambassador for national campaign Girls! Make Your Mark. She was also a finalist for the ‘Future Fashion Star of 2008 award’ with Cosmopolitan magazine.

Samata Angel values any support that she is given; as a result she has a good relationship with all of her supporters and the team who help her. Samata is keen to affect others and is always keen to embark on new ventures. She recently completed a 7 month project, launching a guide book series for fashion designers trying to succeed in a competitive industry. The book features exclusive quotes from her supporters such as Nigel Barker of America’s Next Top Model and Celebrity Stylist Nick Ede.

Samata throws herself into charity projects and is an advocate for charity, Hives Save Lives. In fact she recently travelled to Sierra Leone and took part in a fashion show raising money for a community development project. Samata has taken numerous risks financially, emotionally and physically including working a full time job and juggling her business and fully deserves to be acknowledged for enterprising and entrepreneurial approach to life.

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  1. Mom Blogs – Blogs for Moms…

  2. Samata is not only an angel in fashion design. She's also an angel when it comes to charitable work. I agree wholeheartedly, Samata deserves to be acknowledged, for her amazing style and dedication for her entrepreneurship, and of course for her selfless acts of charity.

  3. You could also nominate her for the 100 Black European Women in Leadership Award. You can find the detilas here:

  4. She does deserve the recognition…I wonder when some of these international moguls will pick up on her…like Diddy or Simmons…she needs to be scooped under someone's wing!

  5. Is she selling her music on iTunes?

  6. Is she selling her music on iTunes?

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