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  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by BWIE™, Nefertiti . Nefertiti said: In an audition for Oprah, the UK's Hairoine delivers alternative recipes for skin and hair… via @AddToAny […]

  2. Oooh…I love her! She is great and the information is very needed. I myself am right now actually researching on natural products to make my own Creams for the all family.
    Go girl!


  3. I really like the concept, and she has great energy. I work in film/Tv and would love to learn more about how shes going to develop the show. I have a couple ideas!

  4. natural products is the way to go: old school!

  5. how exciting! be sure to contact her and tell her I sent you 😉

  6. Valeriesmith15

    Very good idea!

  7. Nice concept and charming personality – I'll vote for you.

  8. Thanks for supporting her!

  9. I love your energy and I learned something from your video! I voted for you. All the best!!

  10. Thanks Everyone! Here is the link to vote directly.

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