African Diaspora

Trina Roach’s Uncaged Birds invites you to be your own role model

Read all about Trina’s project, Uncaged Birds, and learn how to participate:
Trina Roach


…I traded in my corner office for a room with a view.

In 2005 I left my job as Head of Human Resources Development in a major ad agency to establish my own training and coaching company – Creating Tomorrow: The Leadership Consultancy.

“Creating Tomorrow” – the name itself reflects the enormous Leap of Faith this step represents in my life!

As you can imagine, the road has often been rocky – filled with its fair share of both joy and frustration. To commemorate the challenges I’ve faced on my journey thus far, today – 1 June 2010 – I am launching a project that is very near and dear to my heart: Uncaged Birds™.

Why “Uncaged Birds”?

Inspired by Maya Angelou’s seminal autobiography, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, Uncaged Birds™ honors the realization that simply opening the door to our proverbial cage isn’t enough. Each of us must make the decision to step through the door take flight. This confidence- and skill-building program is designed to reflect the specific needs, heritage and history of women of African descent living in Europe. It is also a vehicle to foster intensified dialogue between women of African descent in the Americas and in other parts of the world; esp. Europe.

“The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.”–Maya Angelou

With Uncaged Birds™ I provide support for women of African descent as they more effectively tap into their innate individual and cultural strength, and utilize that strength as a powerful springboard to personal and professional success – in a safe, stress-free environment that respects our heritage and history.

Let’s be our own role models!

Uncaged Birds™ addresses the specific needs of women of African descent committed to succeeding both personally and professionally, despite the added challenge of living and doing business in cultures that are still not used to seeing people of color in a positive, non-stereotypical light. After having lived and worked for more than 30 years in Europe, I designed the program I would have personally wanted and needed for support and motivation as a young expat and woman of color making her way in Europe.

“Nothing will work unless you do.”–Maya Angelou

The launch portfolio will expand throughout the year offering a variety of individual and group coaching, training and communications platforms.

Let’s Get Started!

Are you a woman of African descent living in Europe? If so: be a part of TableTalk: The Virtual Round Table!

This Year’s TableTalk will be a 3-part series of 90-minute interviews taking place in July!

“I long, as does every human being, to be at home wherever I find myself.”–Maya Angelou

15 July 2010
The Expat Talks or “What’s a nice (Black) American girl like you doing in a place like this?” – A group of five Black American expats share stories and experiences about living and working in Europe, and tell how leaving America has affected the way they see their country – and themselves.

22 July 2010
Europe in Black, Brown and Beige or “No, where do you really come from?” Five Afro-European women come together to discuss issues of national and cultural identity, and compare and contrast how those issues are viewed differently from country to country.

29 July 2010
What We (All) Know or “The free bird thinks of another breeze.” A mixed group of African-American expats and Afro-European women come together to combine their insights about living, loving and working in Europe.
I will act as moderator/facilitator for this series, motivated by my own personal expat experience after living in Germany for more than 30 years.

What’s Left?

Visit the site and let me know what you think!
• What do you think of the launch portfolio?
• Are you interested in being a part of TableTalk?
• What do you think would be a relevant topic for the upcoming CoachingHives™?

Uncaged Birds™…

…was created to support you when and as you need it, so you can more confidently wing towards – then embrace – your own brand of personal and professional freedom!

Find out more and how to participate:

Creating Tomorrow:
The Leadership Consultancy
Tel.: + 49-176-548 208 35

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