black UK

UK: Nominations now open for the 2021 Community Integration Awards

Black Women in Europe™

The aim of the 2021 Community Integration Awards in the United Kingdom is to recognise the inspirational ways in which migrant, refugee and ‘settled’ communities are coming together to support each other during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Do you know a project or initiative in your area which has strengthened integration and brought different parts of the community together, including migrants and refugees, to respond to COVID-19? If so, nominate them to receive £1 000, the chance to make a short promotional film about their work and a bespoke package of support to take their work to new heights.

Awards will be split into three categories: 

  1. Connecting Communities;
  2. Safety For All;
  3. Equality, Access & Rights.

To find out more about the categories and criteria, or to make a nomination, click here.

The deadline for nominations is 30 November 2020.

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