Dear everybody!

Greetings from Vienna
This Mail is to remind you of the upcoming launching of the Black European Women’s Council on Sept. 9th 2008 in the premises of the European Economic and Social Committee Rue Van maelant 1040 Brussels.

*Our achievements so far:*

1. Thanks to Brenda’s unending support it was possible for us to secure the cooperation of the European Economic and Social Committee for this important event. This cooperation represents a very important step towards implementing the preamble of the Vienna Declaration which states “Our gathering here is an indication of the necessity for the EU to dialog with Black Women’s Organisations EU-wide. The European Year for Intercultural Dialog therefore presents an opportunity to initiate and strengthen partnerships and alliances. We welcome purposeful efforts to engage with the EU in the implementation and in consequence in the securing and exercising of our rights as full citizens of the EU and EEA”.

2. I had a meeting with the new Director of the Fundamental Rights Agency -FRA in Vienna last Friday and am very happy to inform you that Mr Morten Kjaerum, the Agency’s Director, is very happy about our activities and is very interested to work with us to advance the cause of Black Women and Black Communities in Europe. He would love to be at the launching; unfortunately FRA’s staff is on retreat on this date. So we agree he sends a video message for the launching.

3. I am most happy to inform those of you interested to attend the official launching on Sept. 9th, that the proposal I submitted to the *EACEA- Europe for Citizens* has been approved. This means we shall be able to cover part of your expenditures in form of perdiem (according to the EU Flat rates 2008). Enclose is the agenda of the launching for your information. The registration form is under Please register not later than August 15th 2008 for organisational reasons. We can cover perdiems for up to 3 participants per country.

4- With the funding of the EACEA we shall be able to host the first general assembly of BEWC (a slight change of agenda) and a workshop on how to organise national coordinations of BEWC in April 2009, in The Netherlands. We shall be able to cover perdiem for up to 40 participants all together.

At the moment I am working hard to secure a funding for a reception to celebrate our launching in Brussels. Should anybody know where we can apply for the sum of 10.000 Euro to cover launch and reception, I shall be most grateful for your support.

We are currently working on the list of speakers for both the High Level Roundtable Discussion on “The role of Black Women in an all inclusive Europe, challenges faced by Black Communities” and the official speeches at the launching.  Be so kind to forward this invitation to interested black women and men around you. Should you have any questions, do please not hesitate to get back to us at anytime.

We are very much looking forward to seeing you again in Brussels for this great event.

With best greetings from Vienna


Beatrice Chalice Executive Director
AFRA — International Center for Black Women’s Perspectives
Graumanngasse 7/D/1, 1150 Wien
Tel/Fax: +43 1 9660 425
ZVR-Zahl: 488597767
office @

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