The Black Women in Europe Blog is one of the latest recipients of the Lemonade Stand Award!
Martin Lindsay at Marty BLOGS awarded it to me.
The Lemonade Stand Award recognizes sites that show great attitude and/or gratitude. I am proud to be a recipient of this award. Thanks Marty!
Now it is my turn to share some lemonade. Here’s how it works:
1. Put the logo on your blog or post.
2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show great attitude and/or gratitude.
3. Link to your nominees within your post.
4. Let them know that they have received this award by commenting on their blog.
5. Nominate your favorites, and link to this post.
In my opinion these blogs show great attitude and/or gratitude:
African American Political Pundit
Congratulations! Now share!
Hi Adrianne,
Congrats on the Award!! And thanks for passing it on to me!:)
From the Netherlands,
Sandra Rafaela
Thanks sis, and you are welcome. You deserved it!
Hugs from Sweden.
Thanks, Adrianne,
hope you don't mind if I link it to my personal blog. Also: Great to see you are reading/sharing with Lovebabz, too!
You're welcome Trina!
I met LoveBabz last year in San Francisco when we were panelists at BlogHer! I think she's great.
WOW! Thank YOU! Thank YOU!
You certainly put me in some fine company!
You're welcome Love!
Hi Adrianne,
Congrats on the Award!! And thanks for passing it on to me!:)
From the Netherlands,
Sandra Rafaela
Thanks sis, and you are welcome. You deserved it!
Hugs from Sweden.
Thanks, Adrianne,
hope you don't mind if I link it to my personal blog. Also: Great to see you are reading/sharing with Lovebabz, too!
You're welcome Trina!
I met LoveBabz last year in San Francisco when we were panelists at BlogHer! I think she's great.
WOW! Thank YOU! Thank YOU!
You certainly put me in some fine company!
Ladies and gentlemen, I am honored and appreciative to have received this Lemonade Stand Award. First, I’d like to thank Black Women in Europe for recognizing talent when they see it; my parents for supporting me through the trials and tribulations of international travel (Hi, Mom!); and all my fans out there in Blogopia, without whom I’d not be who I am today. Again, thank you BWIE!
(music playing)
(voice-over announcing Beyonce’s “Best Song” performance coming up after this commercial break)
First I’d like to thank the Academy…
oops, wrong award, hehe…
I’m honored and appreciative to receive the Lemonade Stand Award. I’d like to think it’s representative of me: flavorful, refreshing, with a little bit of citric bite. 🙂
Thank you, BWIE!
Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome. Thanks for your leadership and tireless efforts for social justice.
Hello there!
Congratulations on the award!
I haven't seen that one before!!
Peace, blessings and godliness,
Thank you Lisa. That was a new one on me too!
Thanks girl! I just can't figure out how to get the picture on my blog. duh! i know, but I'll figure out!
Thanks! I got it! I got it!
Thank you so much.