Hat tip: Angela Shaw

Dear friends,


Background: On May 26-27, the German Parliament discussed legislation codifying female genital mutilation (specifically) as a crime in Germany. The new law would facilitate the application of justice within the nation and also permit punishment if FGM is committed outside German borders. The European Union has been urging that all European national laws conform to efforts at EU level to strengthen the hand of justice and protect girls from harm.

The Free Democratic Party and the Green Party drafted a bill that was publicly discussed in the Ministry of Justice where, regrettably, the major coalition parties, SPD and CDU, opposed it.

Please join us in protest. The Inter-African Committee is fighting for the passage of legislation in all concerned African nations. Following their lead, many European nations are doing the same.

Send an email today stating that you support the draft legislation 16/12910 making Female Genital Mutilation a crime in Germany and facilitating its punishment if committed abroad to the
° JUSTICE department caucus (rechtsausschuss@bundestag.de),
° Caucus for WOMEN, YOUTH, SENIORS and FAMILY (familienausschuss@bundestag.de,
° Caucus at the MINISTRY OF HEALTH (geheitsausschuss@bundestag.de) and
° Ministry of HUMAN RIGHTS (menschenrechtsausschuss@bundestag.de).
Please cc VORSTAND@Forward-deutschland.de


UPDATE: Yvette Jarvis is working on this issue with the Greek Government

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