Photo credit-Maishagalen and Timmy Miansang

The phrase “Lead by example” comes to mind when one thinks of this Sene-gambian woman.

She is the founder of Rock Africk which is an initiative with the objective of spotlighting and celebrating noteworthy African achievement, as well as an outreach to African youth in Africa.

She is a 2012 Semi-finalist in TV4’s The Voice, a vocal competition where the strongest voices across the country compete for a recording contract.

She is an Air Chrysalis songwriter and Hitlab artist. If Akon can sign her, we can co-sign for her.

She is the little woman with the big voice.Ladies and gentlemen,The 2012 Maisha Award for Artist of the Year goes to Mary N’diaye.

About Maisha Gala

The goal of the Maisha Gala is to recognize the achievement of women for the Black/African community in Sweden and Africa. It works to promote the African Diaspora involvement and include the voice of women on various issues of concern to the community. The Maisha Gala is a celebration of African culture that also promotes artists and young talents and the empowerment of youth. Maisha Gala is also networking and advocacy with the thematic approach and focus on pertinent issues.

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