ALIVE online magazine is accepting nominations for the 2010 ALIVE Magazine Women of the Year. Nominations will be accepted until December 14, 2009 at which time the review committee will select 9 women to receive the designation of an ALIVE Magazine 2010 Woman of the Year.

Nominees must be a woman of color ages 12 and up living in the US or abroad. Nominees must be living their lives on purpose – as a business owner and/or making significant contributions in the communities.

Please email the following information about your nominee to

Email Address
200 words or less explaining why this woman should be a 2010 ALIVE Woman of the Year

Also, please include your contact information in the event our review committee has further questions.

The announcement will be made in March 2010 at the One Life To Live From Dreams to Reality National Tour when its hosted in Broward County, Florida.

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