Mon, March 16
6:30pm – 8:30pm
Join us for a welcome drink from 6
Buffet dinner served after event
Free to attend – all welcome!
Greenbank Building, Preston (Greenbank Lecture Theatre, UCLan’s Greenbank Building, Victoria Street, Preston PR1 7DR)
Map: http://www.uclan.ac.uk/visit/assets/preston_city_campus_map.pdf
Please book:
Author and journalist Noo Saro-Wiwa will be visiting UCLan to read from her acclaimed book, Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria, and telling us about her writing.
Looking for Transwonderland: Travels in Nigeria was published by Granta in January 2012 to brilliant reviews and was chosen by the Financial Times Life & Arts as one of the best books of the year, and by The Sunday Times as Travel Book of the Year 2012.
Praise for Looking for Transwonderland:
‘Humorous and affectionate … Saro-Wiwa is fiercely honest and compassionate about a country most tourists travel miles to avoid’ Sunday Telegraph
‘Remarkable … in this deftly woven account Saro-Wiwa tells us more about Nigeria than most academics do in a lifetime’ Spectator
‘An affectionate and irreverent guide that peels away many of the clichés that envelop Nigeria’ Observer
Noo is the daughter of the late Ken Saro-Wiwa, the illustrious Nigerian author, human rights activist and environmentalist. She will be signing books after the event.
For any enquiries, please contact Dr. Yvonne Reddick on yreddick@uclan.ac.uk.
Special writing workshop with Noo for UCLan staff and students
Noo will be running a special writing workshop from 15.00 to 16.30 on the 16th of March, for UCLan staff and students. Noo will be answering questions about her writing, the publishing industry, and a career in writing. Room TBA.