18th March 2015, 1pm to 7pm

University of Warwick (A0.28, Millburn House)


Frantz Fanon, the son of Martinique who first fought for colonial France in World War Two and then against colonial France in Algeria, is taken as the preeminent thinker of decolonization. Although Fanon died in 1961, his work and life still stir debate and discussion today about the lived reality of racism and the nature of violence and revolution in the post-colonial world. This one-day symposium and screening of Göran Hugo Olsson’s documentary Concerning Violence is designed to engender critical and collaborative engagement between researchers, students, practitioners, and activists with an interest in Fanon’s work and its contemporary connotations. This symposium seeks to establish dialogue between different disciplinary perspectives, such as psychoanalysis, postcolonial theory, and histories of globalization, on Fanon’s two major texts Black Skin, White Masks (1952), and The Wretched of the Earth (1961) and his lesser known works such as the essays contained within A Dying Colonialism (1959) and Towards the African Revolution (1964).

Paper Presentations from:

Dr. Robbie Shilliam (Queen Mary, University London)

Dr. Sheldon George (Simmons College, US)

Professor Kimberly Hutchings (Queen Mary, University London)

Chair: Dr. Julie Walsh (Warwick University)

Film screening introduced by Mireille Fanon Mendes-France:

Göran Hugo Olsson’s documentary Concerning Violence (2014).

Roundtable Discussion

Mireille Fanon Mendes-France (Frantz Fanon Foundation)

Professor Gurminder Bhambra (Warwick University)

Dr. Sheldon George (Simmons College, US)

Dr. Kehinde Andrews (Birmingham City University)

Dr. Peter Nevins (the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis)

Chair: Dr. John Narayan (Warwick University)

It is not necessary to register for this event, but to help us get a sense of likely numbers we’d be grateful if you could email one of the organisers if you are planning to attend (either Julie.walsh@warwick.ac.uk or j.c.narayan@warwick.ac.uk ).

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