

Read the who and why behind the blog:


It’s up in the air and ready to go. My blog on Black hair from a european perspective. I am also writing a book on trend, styling and managing ‘black hair’. For the view americans amoungst you, this might seem strange, but on this subject, here in Europe we are far behind.

As a ‘kick off’ for the book, and also for feedback and inspiration, I started working on this here blog.

Why Sprottje?

That’s always been my nickname as a kid, and getting older I started to get used/ or even like it. I have always been working in a creative environment, not driven by ambition, but by the need to be surrounded by creativity, regardless of whatever I had to do. Workspace and location are very important but it’s mostly the people I work with who inspire me.

I love music, food, cooking, looking out for new places, trendwatching, chicken, couchette hats, portrait cameos, chicklit, my collection of biographies of people I find inspiring, Lychees, Flow Magazine, my G11 camera by Canon with leather retro cover, Banana bread, hatboxes, New York, Copenhagen, Sushi, Mac computers, my Iphone, white wine, classic Vespa’s and last but not least, I have a deep rooted fascination with Black Hair.

It’s not hard to detect where this obsession came from. Having a dutch blond mom and an Aruban father with a strong afro, I had hair issues for as long as I can remember. On top of this, being raised in Scandinavian Norway didn’t help. Finding the right product for my hair in Oslo, back in the 80′s, was as easy as finding a needle in a haystack.

Therefore I have always gained as much information as I could on black hair, bought books on this subject, had my hair braided in the most unattractive styles when I was on a family holiday by my aunt’s, just to see how skilled and swift the pattern would appear… It was like magic!
Before I knew it, I developed a hair fetish…

So here it is, a blog on black hair trends, products, scoops, and just fun things to see, know or read. I hope you will enjoy it. I hope you will take out the time to see the blog.

Best regards,

Sandra Sprott


a blog about black hair fashion & trends

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