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  1. I am originally from Harlem, New York and have been working in Dubai for 5 years now. What???s it like for expat black woman in this country? Quite good and it keeps on getting better, to say the truth. My paychecks are tax free, my accommodation is provided along with many other benefits, and I am honestly enjoying an exemplary lifestyle that includes beach, sun, sand and world class infrastructures and on top of that, I can state, without a doubt that neither race nor gender, in this part of the world, affect my career progress. As a matter of fact, a recent research report by (the Middle East???s No 1 Job Site) about ???Working Women in the Middle East??? shows that 76% of interviewed women actually have women occupying senior positions in their companies. That simply gives me more determination to settle down and build a future right here in the heart of Dubai.

  2. HI Tina,

    Great to hear from you. Pleae consider submitting a story or interview for The site is undergoing a redesign,but you contibution is most welcome.

  3. Could you tell us more about what position you hold there

  4. Use one of the links in the post above to contact Sandrine.

  5. I really appreciate your posting, I'm also from NYC, but currently reside in Los Angeles, CA.. I'm seriously considering relocating to Dubai, and plan to visit next month. Do you know much about the Real Estate Market there….By this I mean have you seen a growth in Female Sales Reps… I have specialized in the sales new construction for the past 11yrs and see a posibilty for great opportunity for me there.

    Please advise… I'm at a lost with all the negative comments from others.

  6. Dear Tina,

    I am a Black American woman also in Dubai. I have only been here for three months, but really like it. I think this is a good place for Black women to advance their career. Thank you for this positive posting.

  7. HI Yvonne! I hope you'll submit a story to as well as join the Women of the African Diaspora social network:

  8. What a great forum this is. I am an African American woman and I am going to Dubai next week (11/6-11/13) for a conference and to explore the possibility of working there. I am happy to here some positive experiences, as I have read lots of negativity elsewhere. If any sister living in Dubai would like to have lunch while I am there, please email me at



  9. forwardthinker

    What a great forum this is. I am a 34 y.o. African American woman interested in exploring Dubai. I will be there from 11/6/08 to 11/13/08. I am glad that there are sisters who have had positive experiences there, as I have read some negative postings elsewhere. If anyone living in Dubai would like to meet for coffee or lunch, please email me at

  10. Be sure to join the Women of the African Diaspora social network. I think there are some sister in Dubai there:

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