black france

Get advice from Sandrine Joseph in: Storytelling about Your Brand Online & Offline

When Sandrine told me that she was part of a new book on personal branding I thought, “of course she is!” Whe is a genius at personal branding. Here is her take on her role in the new book, taken from her website PotoMitan:

Why do I want to highlight this hidden story about the book “Storytelling about Your Brand Online & Offline”? I just want to underline the importance to have an active network to reach opportunities AND to share the wisdom one to another. During my latest conference on how to use professional network to boost one’s carreer for eMBA Paris-Dauphine, I was astonished to see how much people in social or business networking are facing the same problem : what am I supposed to say? I don’t know what to say !!!

A few months ago, I received a phone call from Bernadette Martin, brand strategist and Founder of Visibility Branding LLC.

I met Bernadette a few years ago while she was developing William Arruda’s personal branding philiosphy and tool – Reach 360° in France. We then kept in touch through European Professional Women’s Network (EPWN). On her side, she continues developing her business around career coaching, and from my side, I designed my own presence strategy online and offline to develop my own visiblity in order to access the best positions in my company and made my societal engagements to be known : start-up funding (RISKANGEL), women empowerment (European PWN), contemporary artists promotion (Arts & Talents).

Five years later, we’re back together around a questionnaire to deepen our knowledge and wisdom on storytelling, the basics of an efficient personal branding.

At this time, I was leading HR/Talent Management department of Innovation & Marketing division of a major telecom french operator. A time to point out the keys of the success of my disruptive methods in a very conservative world. It consists in translating what I use to do for my hobbies : financing start-ups, promoting women into my talent management tools.

In this book, you will find some answers to these questions :
>>What is the difference between a BIO and a RESUME?
>>How do I develop storied content to write my BIO?
>>What are the essential elements in the Career Personal Brand Tool Kit?
>>What can a BRANDED BIO do for my career?
>>Where can I get the most impact with my BRANDED BIO online and offline?

If I were you I’d buy my copy today! Sandrine, I’d like an autographed copy 😉

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  1. Hejsan From Paris!

    Adrianne, thanks for the post.

    Ladies, if you are in on Saturday the 2nd of October, I’ll give a one hour conference during Diversitelles Awards on “How to use social networks to develop its own business”.

    My next contribution will be “Le Gotha Noir de France” – who gathers 200 black men and women top profiles. I’ll tell you more on my blog … well, as a conclusion, I have to send you two dedicated books 😉 … Just let me know where!

    Keep in touch!


  2. One of these days I will be in Paris when you are giving a presentation and I will be sitting on the front row!
    I will have the information about the Diversitielles event on the blog tomorrow. Are you speaking at the Le Gotha Gala? Do let me know tout suite. And I will send you my address for the books, merci beaucoup!

  3. One of these days I will be in Paris when you are giving a presentation and I will be sitting on the front row!
    I will have the information about the Diversitielles event on the blog tomorrow. Are you speaking at the Le Gotha Gala? Do let me know tout suite. And I will send you my address for the books, merci beaucoup!

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