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Juliana de Aquino, German Resident, a Victim of the Air France Flight 447 disaster

Hat tip: Afro Europe

The blog Afro Brazil America reported that the Brazilian musical singer Juliana de Aquino is one of victems of the flight 447 Air France disaster. Since 2003 she lived in Germany, where she had a succesful music career

Juliana de Aquino started her musical education at the age of 4. She studied piano and musical singing with maestro Marconi Araujo and classical singing with Aeda Moreira and at Universidade de Brasília. She also took participated in singing workshops with Richard Lissemore and acting workshops with Steve Markusfeld.

After playing many roles in Brasil, Juliana de Aquino had the opportunite to take part at the German production of ” The Lion King” in Hamburg from 2003 till 2007.

In 2008, she played the role of Maria Magdalena in Jesus Christ Superstar at the Stadttheater Klagenfurt, Austria.

Most recently Juliana de Aquino had been performing in the musical Wicked in Stuttgart, Germany.

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