miriamMariama Coulibaly was born and raised in Paris. She is the daughter of a father from Mali and a mother from Burkina Faso and has lived for more than seven years in Vienna.

Her passion is dance. She is a dancer and choreographer, directs, and organizes workshops for and with children. She believes that dance is the best way for children express themselves – a “language”, that can word boundaries.

Brief background:

1984-1990 Tanzausbildung in Modern Dance, Jazz Dance und Zeitgenössischem Tanz bei Jean Wiener in Bobigny/Frankreich.
1984-1990 dance training in modern dance, jazz dance and contemporary dance with Jean Wiener in Bobigny, France.
1991-1993 Kulturmanagement-Studium und Abschluss mit der „Licence de mise oeuvre de projets culturels option Communication“.
1991-1993 Cultural Management Studies and graduated with the “License mise en oeuvre de projets culturels Communication option.”
2000 Workshopleiterin beim Impuls-Tanz-Festival in Wien, seitdem wohnhaft in Wien.
2000 Workshop leader at the Pulse Dance Festival in Vienna.
2000-2004 Französischtrainerin bei Blaise & Pascal in Wien.
French coach in 2000-2004 & Blaise Pascal in Vienna.
Since 2004, dance lessons at Gymnasium Stubenbastei in Vienna.
Between this and a Viennese Gymnasium school in Ouarnini / Burkina Faso, there is a long-term partnership.

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  1. […] Mariama Coulibaly, Dancing in Austria | Black Women in Europe Blog […]

  2. For me, no problem even black or white like when I was in South America for an internship abroad Argentina almost my co-student worker their are black .

  3. For me, no problem even black or white like when I was in South America for an internship abroad Argentina almost my co-student worker their are black .

  4. Liebe Mariama!
    Bist du in der Zeit vom 24. – 27.8. in Hamburg?
    Gabor und ich fliegen nämlich hin.
    Liebe Grüße
    Eva Rivo (aus Wien)

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