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This one-week summer school course is organised by the Geographic Migration Centre (GEOMIGRACE) – a research institute affiliated with Charles University, Prague – with the support of the International Migration Research Network (IMISCOE).

Scholars and practitioners from international and non-governmental organisations from various countries will take part in the summer school while delivering lectures and/or leading seminars, workshops, and panel discussions. These will be focused on migration, integration, and development issues, taking into account broader political, economic, sociocultural, demographic, and geographical contexts.

The course will welcome the following keynote speakers:

Marie Price, Department of Geography of the George Washington University, USA. 
Brenda Yeoh, Department of Geography, National University of Singapore. 
Tanja Bastia, The Global Development Institute of the University of Manchester, UK.
The programme will include the following expert lectures:

  • Forced migration and development – Fatima El Diasty, Senior Protection Cluster Coordinator/ UNHCR Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Migration and Gender – Petra Ezzeddine, Department of General Anthropology and Department of Gender Studies of the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University Prague, Czechia
  • Migration and refugee policies within Mexico and Latin America – Luciana Gandini, Institute of Legal Studies at the National Autonomous University of Mexico
  • Venezuelan migration to North America – Berti Olino, The Canada Excellence Research Chair (CERC) in Migration and Integration, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada
  • Migration and Demography – Tomáš Sobotka, Global Wittgenstein Centre for Demography and Human Capital, Vienna, Austria
  • Inclusivity as a Precondition of Integration – Michal Vašečka, Bratislava International School of Liberal Arts, Slovakia
  • The Realities of Irregular Migration from Africa – Eric Opoku Ware, Sahara Hustlers Association, Ghana
  • Transnationalism and Diaspora – Eva Janská, Faculty of Science, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
  • Migration and Development – Josef Novotný, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
  • Migration Theories, Realities and Myths – Dušan Drbohlav, Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Faculty of Science, Charles University, Prague, Czechia
  • Ethnicity, migration and media stereotypes – Salim Murad, New York University Prague, Czechia. 
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Migration – Jan Schroth, Migration policy expert and consultant for the OECD, Prague, Czechia

Additional experts will present specific examples of migration and development projects across the globe. Special attention will be paid to migration as a cross-cutting issue within the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Find further detailed information on the event here, or email queries to

Image source: Geographic Migration Centre – GEOMIGRACE 

Practical information


Faculty of Science, Charles University, Albertov 2038, 128 00 Nové Město, Prague, Czech RepublicWhere

Czech RepublicWhen

14 August 2022, 10:00 to 20 August 2022, 18:00Languages


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