Find the survey in English, French and Italian from this link:

The survey is conducted in the framework of the research “Highly skilled women migration from SSA to Europe. Beyond the economic point of view” that intend to analyze the highly skilled women migrations flows from Sub – Saharan Africa to Europe in order to explore the present scenario as well as the migration strategies and the social remittances connected to these flows.

The questionnaire will take to you at max 10 minutes and your participation is important for the success of the survey.

As I anticipated the research counts of 2 moments of interview: one is the questionnaire and the other is a short semi structured online interview. It is not necessary to participate to both moment of the research, but it will be important to me your participation also to the semi structured interview.
As you can imagine more respondents we have and better it is, so if you know other women that belongs form one Sub-Saharan Country and live in one EU Country and are highly skilled (at least bachelor degree) please feel free to share the link to them.

I would like to inform you that the questionnaire is anonymous.

If you are interested to take part also to the semi structured interview and for any further questions please contact me through:
Linkedin: Camilla Spadavecchia
Skype: Camilla Unige

Best regards

Camilla Spadavecchia

PhD Candidate
Universitá degli Studi di Genova Andrea Podestá 2

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