Rhodes Must Fall

Hey folks,

For those who don’t know me, I’m the founder and organizer of the Oxford Pan-African Forum (OXPAF). I’ve been active in the movement for Black Lives in the UK and an active participant in the Race and Resistance seminar for the past 2 years. I am also a founding member of Rhodes Must Fall in Oxford, and it is in this latter capacity that I’m appealing to you now. On this Friday, 6th November at 12pm, we will demonstrate outside Oriel College, Oxford and present a petition demanding the statue of Cecil Rhodes – a brutal, racist colonial oppressor – be taken down.

Our appeal will be strengthened to the extent that we have more signatures on the petition we deliver, so I humbly request that you take a moment and add your signature:

Thanks for all your hard work for the cause of race (consciousness) and resistance!


Brian Kwoba

Rhodes Must Fall Needs Your Support!

1. Petition

Time for action!
Oriel College, Oxford University: Remove the Racist Cecil Rhodes Statue!
Sign the petition, share the link!
Petition: http://chn.ge/1WkcooW



2. Action

6th November 2015, we will demonstrate outside Oriel College, Oxford to demand the glorifying statue of Cecil Rhodes – a brutal, racist colonial oppressor – be taken down.We will assemble in Oriel Square at 12pm. We want to make sure that those at Oriel College can’t ignore us, so make sure you arrive prepared to BRING THE NOISE: come armed with whistles, drums, pots, pans, wooden spoons and your loudest chanting voice. We will give the Oriel College Provost until to come out and publicly accept our petition (which can be found and signed here: http://chn.ge/1WkcooW).

The veneration of a racist murderer on our campus violates the university’s own commitment to “fostering an inclusive culture” for its black and minority ethnic students. It is also an overbearing, visual reminder of the colonial apologism rife in one of the world’s most esteemed educational institutions. So long as these statues are allowed to stand, we as a society can never begin the process of recognising the violence of our past.Cecil Rhodes: your time has come. You must fall. You will fall.

Link: https://www.facebook.com/events/983471398360635/


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