Sandra Rodney

About Sandra in her own words:

In the past I have struggled to find direction and purpose for my life. I was brought up in a strict Christian home and after rebelling against the beliefs that seem to take away my ability to make my own choice about the path I should take for my future, I still felt the freedom I sought was impossible to find.

I had questions about how I could find myself, repeating again and again the same mistakes of past. I experienced high levels of frustration when the paths I was choosing didn’t seem to work out. Even some of the things I thought I was passionate about left nothing but a feeling of emptiness when I had achieved them.

I wanted to find the Goddess in me, to be a woman of grace and beauty, able to speak my own truth, to be confident, end an abusive relationship, be fearless, show my passion without being manic, express my emotions and feelings. I call this quest finding out how to be more like me.

So after over 20 years in the public sector and 10 years as a freelance trainer this quest has led me to becoming a Life Coach and helping clients to achieve their goals and aspirations. I am still on my own personal journey of self discovery so why not join me and learn more about being you.

Sandra is also a volunteer life coach for the UK charity ‘Youth at Risk’ and works with young people whose reality has become crime, exclusion from school, unemployment, drug and alcohol abuse and other self-harm to see the possibilities of creating a more positive future. She is currently coaching young people as part of the BBC’s Goldie’s Band project 2010/2011 for this charity.

Sandra has career coached over 50 adults and facilitated coaching conversations with public sector workers facing retirement, redeployment and redundancy. From 2007 – 2008 she coached 15 Somalian young men successfully into full time employment in the UK.

Sandra has a wealth of experience in different fields of expertise she can work with you – either face-to-face or on the telephone (so it does not matter where in the world you are!) – on any issues including:

– Career changes
– Developing a business
– Confidence and motivation
– Relationships
– Fitness, health and weight loss
– Lifestyle changes
– Finances

Get more information at the More Being You website.

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