From Fashions Finest: Anna is a stylist and a clothing designer based in London. Anna designs for woman of today, for those with a free spirit, confidence, and who embraces uniqueness.
The label AnnaLuks, began in her country of origin Tanzania in East Africa. A mother or two boys, Anna did her diploma in Fashion /Textile in Barnet College, and went further on to acquire a BA in Fashion Design from Middlesex University in 2010.
She claims that she has finally found her niche. Anna’s signature work is inspired by ropes, and cords. She too experiments with textures and likes to play around with different kinds of yarns to create cords for her fabrics. Printing is vital in AnnaLuks wears, she acknowledges that with printing, it allows her creativity, into a new level and sustains the sense of uniqueness and versatility in her creation.
Anna’s work is far beyond the ordinary clothes designing. She has a laissez-faire approach to her work, and does not pay too much attention to lines, and allows her imagination to wander and ultimately produce a master piece.
Her passion in her work is evident in the amount of detail that she puts in her work to ensure that her customers achieve utmost satisfaction, glamour and sophistication inimitable in the fashion world.
Visit her website to learn more about her.