Salmon with avacados
Salmon with avocados

We had traditional Varlborg night food of salmon (surprise), potatoes (surprise) and asparagus (family tradition).

The choir
The choir was there and sang songs of Spring.

This was to be my first Valborg night celebration. I can’t remember where I usually am on 30 April, but this 30 April I was on a west coast beach ready to experience another Swedish tradition.

Despite the wind it was beautiful.
Despite the wind it was beautiful time to be on the beach, just after 8pm.

And I wasn’t alone. The year-round residents came, maybe some other people were from out of town like us.

Braving the wind and cold.
Braving the wind and cold. But not without mug thermos of hot chocolate.

There was poetry and more songs and a speech….and we listened.

We listened listened listened
Is was a very nice program.

But the bonfire tradition was broken this year as the fire department said it was too windy for a fire. And I’m sure they were right.

I imagine it would have been beautiful.
I imagine the bonfire would have been beautiful.

But we took advantage of the social event to have fun anyway.

Talk talk talk
So we talked, talked, talked.

So we came home and had our own fire.

We had a fire after all.
We had a fire after all.

What a nice night! Nice things happen to me in Sweden.

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