Anne-Marie Imafidon

And we’re not the only ones. Here is what others have to say about her.

“Great skills. Role model. Fun. Perfect for our audience. They loved her!”


“Incredibly interesting, engaging and motivating…fitted perfectly into our panel discussion and contributed a lot to the overall discussion!”

Oxford University Society

Read how fierce she is.

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon is a prodigy in every sense of the word. Aged 11, she was the youngest girl ever to pass A-level computing, and was just 20 years old when she received her Master’s Degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from the University of Oxford. Since then, she has forged an enviable CV, including positions at Goldman Sachs, Hewlett-Packard and Deutsche Bank. Then there are the Honorary Doctorates from Open University, Glasgow Caledonian University, Kent University & Bristol University and an Honorary Fellowship at Keble College, Oxford.

It is this wealth of experience and pioneering spirit that led her to co-found the STEMettes, an award-winning social initiative dedicated to inspiring and promoting the next generation of young women in the STEM sectors. Since its inception 6 years ago, it has exposed more than 40,000 young people across Europe to Anne-Marie’s vision for a more diverse and balanced science and tech community.

Look who she has worked with.

Good thing she’s not afraid to speak in public. She’s held many a captive audience.

Expertise & Topics

Tech, A.I. and the Future of Work
Social Entrepreneurship
Youth Entrepreneurship

Speaking Style


Find more inspiration on her website.

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