How are you framing 2022? Too early to tell? I hear you. I’m sticking with what worked in 2021: Declaring a Word for the Year. Mine is NO. No bullsh*t. No microaggressions. No being bullied. NO doing what clearly doesn’t feel right. The list goes on. What is your word for 2022? So far I’ve heard NOW. SIMPLIFY. And something else I can’t remember.
Do you make New Year’s Resolutions? Reflect on the year that has passed and what you want to improve? Do differently? Do the same? For me, I’m keeping my 2021 proclamation and adding some others. One is how I work. I discovered Cave Day from CreativeMornings in 2020. In 2021, I embraced their work sprints.
For 2022, I invested in a year of Cave membership and structured how I will work. I invite you to “Get shit done in the Cave”. I thought only people that worked alone from home used the Cave. Now I know people do it in their office too. It’s a super-efficient way to focus on work with no distractions. Here’s are my offers to share. The catch is, you have to pick just one from my link: First month for $1 use CODE: “1STMONTHONE” Free Three Sprint Cave-that’s 3 hours in the Cave CODE: “TRYACAVE21”

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