Kim Golden
Kim Golden

I write about relationships, about love. I often write about interracial relationships. I like reading stories about people who are different, who see past the differences and fall in love. And those are the stories I also enjoy writing. I write stories for people who know that love comes in many colors“.

Kim, a Philadelphia, PA native and Stockholm, Sweden resident, is the author of several books, novellas and short stories.

Three stories, three moments in Melanie Jamison’s life. In Edinburgh For as long as Melanie can remember, she’s been in love with John Cavannaugh, but their relationship’s crashed and burned again. Now she’s in Edinburgh with Damian but is she really over John? Until She Comes Melanie moved on with a Swedish actor but the relationship has fallen apart. She’s still in love with John and now they’re both wondering what it means. Do they both want another chance or are they on thin ice…? Lily Her precocious daughter is ready to start school, but is Melanie willing to send her to the school everyone else thinks will be best for Lily?

** 2014 Readers’ Favorite Book Award Bronze Medal Winner in Fiction-Drama Category **

Imagine finding out you could never have a baby with the man you love…

Expat American Laney Halliwell finds out the hard way when Niklas tells her he had a vasectomy before they met and isn’t interested in reversing it. Why should he? They’ve got his kids from his first marriage and an enviable life in Stockholm.

What if you fell in love in the most unexpected way…?

But Laney wants more. So when a friend suggests she look into an alternative sperm bank in Copenhagen to find a potential father for her baby, things don’t go exactly as planned. Especially when Laney meets Mads and finds herself falling in love.

Susannah is haunted–by the magnitude of her grief…by the silence…by her husband’s ghost.

A short story about a love that never dies.

Jessica and Chris had their first chance at love when they were studying in Edinburgh. Away from the US for the first time in their lives, neither expects to bump into someone from their hometown, much less fall in love. But fate has a way of playing tricks with people. And the question is whether their love is strong enough to last even when they return to America, especially when race comes into play.

Meet Mia Wilkinson.
Mia Wilkinson doesn’t feel very thankful right now, despite it being Thanksgiving. She’s just found out her married boyfriend has no intention of leaving his wife. She heads north to her deceased grandmother’s house in a small town in Vermont. But her plans for a solitary Christmas don’t go as planned—especially when a gorgeous South African photographer shows up on her doorstep.

And then there’s Jake Groenewald…
Jake’s come to Hunters Grove to get over losing his best friend and colleague to the atrocities of war. The last thing he expects is to have his life turned upside down by Mia and her Rules of Cohabitation. And falling in love is definitely not on his agenda.

Will a little snow help them along the way?

Mads Rasmussen has had enough: of being a sperm donor, of feeling disconnected, of being alone. Then someone walks into his life in a most unexpected way…

Maybe Tonight is a novella that gives a glimpse of Mads’s life just before and after he meets Laney in Maybe Baby. It’s a novella about love and what happens when it takes you by surprise.

Is the honeymoon over…?
Now married with two children, Laney and Mads are finding their life together isn’t as simple as it used to be. While Laney struggles with motherhood, Mads is so focused on chasing success that he loses sight of promises he’s made.

Better apart…?
When frustration gets the better of her, Laney takes the kids and goes to the US, hoping to find solace with her aunt Cecily, a former school teacher who now teaches yoga and meditation in Florida.

Can Laney and Mads find their way back to one another…or is it too late?

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