On the 4th of December 2005 The first Rhoda Wilson Show was aired on OBE TV in the United Kingdom. Currently The Rhoda Wilson Show when on air is broadcast from London, UK SKY Channel 182 – BEN TV with an audience of around 1,300,000 and there are plans to expand into other parts of the world. Rhoda Wilson was born in Lagos, Nigeria to a family steeped in tradition and achievement. Her father was a strict man whose focus for his daughter was education, success and religious obedience. Her father expected high results from Rhoda and wanted nothing less than exceptional goals in all areas of her life.
Rhoda Wilson was born in Lagos, Nigeria to a family steeped in tradition and achievement. Her father was a strict man whose focus for his daughter was education, success, and religious obedience. Her father expected high results from Rhoda and wanted nothing less than exceptional goals in all areas of her life. Find Rhoda here.